Misc. Estates: Biftek

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+About Misc. Estates
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  • New Pipes
  • Pipes On Sale
Price +
  • €200.00 - €300.00
Shape +
  • Billiard
Finish +
  • Smooth
Material +
  • Briar
Stem Material +
  • Vulcanite
Filter +
  • None
Weight +
  • Less than 25g
Length +
  • 100mm-130mm
Chamber Diameter +
  • 15mm-20mm
Chamber Depth +
  • 30mm-40mm
What makes a thing miscellaneous? Generally a lack of order, discernment, or taste. None of those things apply here, as each pipe was carved with a distinct style, in a distinct time and place. No, what we have here is more a coalition of everywhere else. Basically, if it wasn't made in a country usually associated with pipe making, you'll find it here — including estate pipes from Russian artisans like Vladimir Grechukhin or Roman Kovalev, Greek carvers like Konstantinos Anastasopoulos, Michail Kyriazanos, or Chris Asteriou, and even Chinese pipe makers such as Li Zhesong, Sam Cui, or Lan Zhenjun. You'll also find estate offerings from Big Ben of The Netherlands, and Brigham of Canada, among many others.

What is an estate pipe, exactly? An estate pipe is any pipe that has been previously owned by someone else, including both smoked and unsmoked offerings. Each estate pipe that we sell has undergone a thorough cleaning and disinfecting regimen before it is ever offered for sale. Estate pipes are generally far less expensive than a new pipe of the same make, thereby representing an excellent value for the money, and for many smokers, a way to sample the wares of pipe makers they might not otherwise be able to afford.

To learn more about how we grade estate pipes, check out our estate grading policy page. For more information on trading in your own estate pipes, check out our trade-in policy.