Dunhill: Amber Root

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+About Dunhill
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  • New Pipes
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Price +
  • €500.00 - €750.00
Shape +
  • Apple
Finish +
  • Smooth
Material +
  • Briar
Stem Material +
  • Vulcanite
Filter +
  • 9mm
Weight +
  • 25g-50g
Length +
  • 100mm-130mm
Chamber Diameter +
  • 20mm-22mm
Chamber Depth +
  • 30mm-40mm
Dunhill has remained rather consistent as a brand. Finishes are smooth or sandblasted in only a few colors, and stems are still hand-cut from black vulcanite rod or red/black Cumberland with tenons turned from the same stock. Shell, Cumberland, Dress, Root, and Bruyere are the most common finishes today, and they can sometimes be accented with large-knuckle bamboo, horn, silver, or gold. The famous white spot (which was originally intended to demonstrate which side of the stem was the right side up) was developed in 1915 and showed the world that a trademark can carry a lot of advertisement for quality. Collected all over the world for over a century, Dunhill pipes were what catapulted the name into a brand synonymous with quality and excellence for a large variety of men's accessories, clothing, and other items.