G. Penzo
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+About G. Penzo
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Giacomo Penzo, the man behind the G. Penzo Pipes, is known for a hybrid approach to pipemaking — using his background in industrial design to craft a tool designed to work efficiently, but also one which exudes a sense of stylistic character. Be it Danish-inspired takes on the classics, more overtly Italian renditions, or — more recently — a more English bent from his tenure at Peterson, each of his takes is more impressive than the last, both in form and function.
With years of artisan pipe making experience already under his belt, Giacomo moved to Ireland in 2019 to join Peterson as the Irish marque's Pipe Specialist. He consults in all stages of pipe making, whether it's helping refine equipment or evaluate a manufacturing process, yet Penzo still finds time to fashion his own G. Penzo artisan pipes, stamping each one with a mountain, shell, or flame to denote the finish.
With years of artisan pipe making experience already under his belt, Giacomo moved to Ireland in 2019 to join Peterson as the Irish marque's Pipe Specialist. He consults in all stages of pipe making, whether it's helping refine equipment or evaluate a manufacturing process, yet Penzo still finds time to fashion his own G. Penzo artisan pipes, stamping each one with a mountain, shell, or flame to denote the finish.