Adam O'Neill
A survivor of the untamed bushland of rural Australia, Adam combined his love of pipes with a passion for photography, a perfect combination. We found him and brought him to South Carolina, where he spent three-and-a-half years with Laudisi in the US, first as a copywriter, then making the transition to photography and finally becoming our first social media specialist. Given his deep knowledge of Smokingpipes's marketing department, not to mention his experience navigating an international move, Adam was a natural choice to lead our marketing efforts here in Europe.
Peterson Pipe Of The Year 2019
13 May 2019 by
Adam O'Neill
Con una storia che risale al XVI secolo, è inevitabile che alcuni aspetti legati all'arte di fumare la pipa si siano persi nel tempo. Materiali, tecniche, metodi tradizionali di lavorazione e forme sono così caduti nell'oblio nel corso dei secoli.
Peterson's 2019 Pipe Of The Year
10 May 2019 by
Adam O'Neill
With a recorded history stretching as far as the sixteenth century, it's somewhat inevitable that some aspects of pipe smoking have been lost to time. Crafting materials, techniques, traditional methods of preparation and yes, shapes, have all at some point been lost.
Pipa del año 2019 de Peterson
10 May 2019 by
Adam O'Neill
Con una historia patente que se remonta hasta el siglo XVI, es algo inevitable que algunos aspectos de fumar en pipa se hayan perdido con el tiempo. Materiales de artesanía, técnicas, métodos tradicionales de preparación y sí, formas, todos en algún momento se han perdido.
Notre première série de fonds d'écran
30 April 2019 by
Adam O'Neill
Si vous êtes un de nos clients depuis l'époque où seul le site américain existait et si vous consultiez le blog, vous vous rappelez peut-être que nous proposons occasionnellement une sélection de nos images en format fond d'écran.
I primi sfondi di Smokingpipes Europe
30 April 2019 by
Adam O'Neill
Se sei nostro cliente fin dall'epoca in cui esisteva solo il sito americano e se sei, inoltre, un lettore del nostro blog, ricorderai che abbiamo proposto di tanto in tanto alcune delle nostre immagini come sfondi desktop.
Nuestro primer lote de fondos de escritorio
29 April 2019 by
Adam O'Neill
Si ha sido cliente nuestro desde que solo existía la página web de EE.UU. y, en concreto, ha leído el blog, es posible que recuerde que ofrecemos de manera ocasional algunas de nuestras imágenes como fondos de escritorio.
Our First Batch Of Pipe Smoking Desktop Backgrounds
29 April 2019 by
Adam O'Neill
If you've been a customer of ours since it was just the US site and, more specifically, read the blog you might remember that we'd occasionally offer some of our library of images as desktop backgrounds.
Giornata Internazionale del Fumatore di Pipa 2019
20 February 2019 by
Adam O'Neill
Non troppo tempo fa, fumare la pipa era considerata un'attività solitaria, quando e se considerata del tutto. In che modo si è passati, dunque, dalla pipa oggetto pratico alla pipa compagna tanto amata e celebrata, sino a una vera e propria opera d'arte?
Journée internationale des fumeurs de pipe 2019
20 February 2019 by
Adam O'Neill
Il n'y a encore pas si longtemps, fumer la pipe était en somme considéré comme une pratique solitaire, si tant est que cette dernière était considérée tout court. Comment sommes-nous donc passés de la pipe en tant qu'objet utilitaire à une compagne chérie et honorée et, de plus en plus, à une œuvre d'art en soi ?
International Pipe Smoking Day 2019
20 February 2019 by
Adam O'Neill
It wasn't too long ago, at least in the scheme of things, that pipe smoking was considered a solitary endeavour, if indeed it was considered at all. How then, did we go from pipes as a utilitarian object to a celebrated and treasured companion and, increasingly, a work of art in itself?